If you're decluttering your home, renting a personal storage unit may be the perfect solution. These facilities are a good place to store your things, and prices start at 95 dollars per month. You can move your things in and out as needed. And they're available in Philadelphia, PA. This article will discuss what you should know about these facilities. Read on to find out how to rent them. 10847 Vanowen Street is one such facility. There are many different types of personal storage devices. The basic devices come with hard drives installed; diskless devices require you to buy drives and install them in the drive bays. Some devices offer RAID striping capabilities, allowing you to expand the amount of storage you have. Others feature a client-server software system such as Seafile or OwnCloud. You can find single drive and multidrive devices from many vendors, ranging from 4 to 8 TB. A storage unit is also a good option for those who don't have room for a lot of things. ...